type_minim.F90 File Reference

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Data Types

type  type_minim::minim_type


module  type_minim
 Minimization data derived type.


subroutine type_minim::minim_compute (minim, mpl, rng)
 Minimize ensuring bounds constraints. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_cost (minim, mpl, x, f)
 Compute cost function. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_cost_fit_diag (minim, mpl, x, f)
 Diagnosic fit function cost. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_cost_fit_lct (minim, mpl, x, f)
 LCT fit function cost. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_hooke (minim, mpl, guess)
 Seeks a minimizer of a scalar function of several variables. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_best_nearby (minim, mpl, delta, point, prevbest, funevals, minf)
 Looks for a better nearby point, one coordinate at a time. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_praxis (minim, mpl, rng, guess)
 Seeks a minimizer of a scalar function of several variables. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_flin (minim, mpl, jsearch, l, x, nf, v, q0, q1, qd0, qd1, qa, qb, qc, flin)
 Seeks a minimizer of a scalar function of one variable. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_quad (minim, mpl, t, h, v, q0, q1, nl, nf, dmin, ldt, fx, qf1, qa, qb, qc, qd0, qd1)
 Minimize the scalar function F along a particular curve. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_minny (minim, mpl, jsearch, nits, d2, x1, f1, fk, x, t, h, v, q0, q1, nl, nf, dmin, ldt, fx, qa, qb, qc, qd0, qd1)
 Minimization of a scalar function of N variables along a line. More...
subroutine type_minim::minfit (mpl, n, tol, a, q)
 Singular value decomposition of an N by N array. More...
subroutine type_minim::swap (n, a1, a2)
 Swaps the entries of two vectors
subroutine type_minim::svsort (n, d, v)
 Descending sorts singular values D and adjusts V. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_vt_dir (minim, x)
 Direct variable transform. More...
subroutine type_minim::minim_vt_inv (minim, mpl, x)
 Inverse variable transform. More...


real(kind_real), parameter type_minim::machep = epsilon(1.0_kind_real)
real(kind_real), parameter type_minim::small = machep**2
real(kind_real), parameter type_minim::vsmall = small**2
real(kind_real), parameter type_minim::large = 1.0/small
real(kind_real), parameter type_minim::vlarge = 1.0/vsmall
real(kind_real), parameter type_minim::m2 = sqrt(machep)
real(kind_real), parameter type_minim::m4 = sqrt(m2)